Table of contents
- Stack
- Memory
- Call stack
- Executable format
- Instructions
- Runtime errors
Since AVM is a stack based VM, it has a stack which is the main part of the VM. All the operations are done on the stack (arithmetic, logic...).
The stack holds words, which are 64 bit integers (since AVM is 64 bit), but they can also be interpreted as floats when needed.
Its 65536 bytes in size (thats 8192 words, which should be enough for everyone). The stack is indexed by the stack pointer register, which points to the top element of the stack. This register (as all the other registers) cannot be directly modified, but there are instructions that modify it internally.
The stack is used for operations and temporary data, but we also need to store data for a longer time somewhere. Thats what the memory is for.
It holds bytes (8 bit integers), but we can store 16, 32 and 64 bit integers in it too using the appropriate instructions.
The first byte of the memory should be ignored, because its address is 0, which is used for null pointers.
Call stack
The call stack is similar to the normal stack, but its only for pushing instruction addresses. Specifically, the CAL and RET instructions use the call stack.
Executable format
AVM can, of course, read programs from a file. These files have a special structure.
The top of the file on unix can contain a shebang so we can simply just execute this file as a normal program.
The first part of the actual structure is the header. It begins with a "magic" sequence of 3 bytes that form the string AVM, which basically says that this is an AVM executable file.
The next 3 bytes are the major, minor and patch version, in order. These specify for which AVM version this executable is. AVM will usually warn if the major version is different, or if the minor version of the executable is greater than the minor version of AVM. Patch is usually ignored.
After this follow 3 words (64 bit integers) stored in the big-endian format. First one is the size of the program (the count of the instructions), second one is the size of the initial memory segment (in bytes) and the third one is the entry point of the program - the instruction at which the program starts.
The header ends here, and the memory segment begins. The size of the memory segment was specified in the header. This segment is for initializing the memory with some default values, for example strings.
After the memory segment comes the program itself - the list of the instructions. The instruction format is later described here
All data after the end of the instruction list is ignored.
Instructions are 9 bytes in size. The first byte is the opcode of the instruction, and the following 8 bytes is a parameter - some data again stored in the big-endian format.
Each instruction also has a name assigned, which has to be 3 characters in length. The available instructions are sorted by type and described below.
Instruction documentation format
Parameters are the values required on the stack for the instruction to work. The right-most parameter is the one at the top of the stack.
Return values are the values pushed onto the stack by the instruction. The right-most return value is the one that was pushed the last.
The parameter and return values are gonna be in a single line under the instruction title, parameters being on the left and return values on the right, separated by a →. Both parameters and return values are gonna have the format NAME: TYPE, separated from others by a comma. See the table of types below
Type | Description |
u64 | An unsigned 64bit integer |
i64 | A signed 64bit integer |
f64 | A 64bit floating point number |
bool | A true/false (1/0) value |
any | Any 64bit data |
If a bool value is anything other than 1 or 0, its interpreted as true.
If the instruction takes no parameters or returns nothing, - is written on the corresponding side.
Stack operations
PSH (0x10)
- → pushed: any
Push some constant data on the stack. The data to push is the parameter of the instruction.
POP (0x11)
data: any → -
Pop off data
DUP (0x50)
- → duped: any
Duplicate an element on the stack. The parameter is an offset from the top of the stack. If the offset is 0, this instruction duplicates the top element. If its 1, it duplicates the element below the top element, and so on.
SWP (0x51)
top_value: any → swped: any
Swap an element with the top of the stack. The parameter is an offset that works the same as the DUP instruction offset, except that its shifted by one; offset 0 means that it swaps the top element with the element below the top element, and offset 1 means it swaps the top element with the element below the element below the top element, and so on.
EMP (0x52)
- → empty: bool
Checks if the stack is empty. empty is true if the stack is empty, otherwise false.
Memory operations
R08 (0x60)
addr: u64 → read: any
Reads a byte from the memory. addr is the address of the byte, read is the data read.
R16 (0x61)
addr: u64 → read: any
\Similar to the R08 instruction, except this reads 2 bytes.
R32 (0x62)
addr: u64 → read: any
Similar to the R08 instruction, except this reads 4 bytes.
R64 (0x63)
addr: u64 → read: any
Similar to the R08 instruction, except this reads 8 bytes.
W08 (0x64)
addr: u64, data: any → -
Writes a byte in the memory. data is the data to write and addr is the address of it in memory.
W16 (0x65)
addr: u64, data: any → -
Similar to the W08 instruction, except this writes 2 bytes.
W32 (0x66)
addr: u64, data: any → -
Similar to the W08 instruction, except this writes 4 bytes.
W64 (0x67)
addr: u64, data: any → -
Similar to the W08 instruction, except this writes 8 bytes.
SET (0x53)
addr: u64, val: any, size: u64 → -
Set memory at addr of size size to val.
CPY (0x54)
to: u64, from: any, size: u64 → -
Copy memory of size size from from to to.
File operations
Max 256 files can be opened at once
OPE (0x70)
name_addr: u64, name_len: u64, mode: any → fd: u64
Opens a file. mode is the mode to open the file in, name_len is the length of the file name string and name_addr is the address in memory of the file name string. fd is -1 if an error occured while opening the file. Otherwise, its the file descriptor.
See the table of modes below
Mode (in binary) | Meaning |
0b0001 | Reading |
0b0010 | Writing |
0b0100 | Appending |
0b1000 | Binary |
These modes can be combined.
CLO (0x71)
fd: u64 → -
Closes a file using the fd file descriptor.
WRF (0x72)
addr: u64, size: u64, fd: u64 → ok: bool
Writes a buffer to a file. fd is the file descriptor of the file to write to, size is the amount of the bytes to write and addr is the address of the bytes in memory. If an error occured, ok is false, otherwise its true. Writing is buffered.
RDF (0x73)
addr: u64, size: u64, fd: u64 → ok: bool
Read a byte from a file. fd is the file descriptor of the file to read from, size is the amount of the bytes to read and addr is the address of the byte buffer to read into. If an error occured or the EOF was reached, ok is false, otherwise its true. Reading is buffered.
SZF (0x74)
fd: u64 → size: u64
Get the file size. fd is the file descriptor of the file, size is the size of the file.
FLU (0x75)
fd: u64 → -
Flush the file buffer. fd is the file descriptor of the file.
ADD (0x20)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: u64
Adds together a and b. result is the result.
SUB (0x21)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: u64
Similar to the ADD instruction, except this subtracts.
MUL (0x22)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: u64
Similar to the ADD instruction, except this multiplies.
DIV (0x23)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: u64
Similar to the ADD instruction, except this divides.
MOD (0x24)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: u64
Similar to the ADD instruction, except this is the modulus operation.
INC (0x25)
num: u64 → incremented: u64
Increments num by 1. incremented is the incremented num.
DEC (0x26)
num: u64 → decremented: u64
Decrements num by 1. decremented is the decremented num.
FAD (0x27)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: f64
Same as the ADD instruction, but for floating point numbers
FSB (0x28)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: f64
Same as the SUB instruction, but for floating point numbers
FMU (0x29)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: f64
Same as the MUL instruction, but for floating point numbers
FDI (0x2a)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: f64
Same as the DIV instruction, but for floating point numbers
FIN (0x2b)
num: f64 → incremented: f64
Same as the INC instruction, but for floating point numbers
FDE (0x2c)
num: f64 → decremented: f64
Same as the DEC instruction, but for floating point numbers
NEG (0x2d)
num: i64 → result: i64
result is num negated.
Bit operations
BAN (0x80)
a: any, b: any → result: any
Performs the bit and operation on a and b. result is the result.
BOR (0x81)
a: any, b: any → result: any
Performs the bit or operation on a and b. result is the result.
BSR (0x82)
data: any, by: any → result: any
Bit shifts data to the right by by bits. result is the result.
BSL (0x83)
data: any, by: any → result: any
Bit shifts data to the left by by bits. result is the result.
JMP (0x30)
- → -
Jumps to an instruction. The address of the instruction to jump to is the parameter of the instruction.
JNZ (0x31)
condition: bool → -
Similar to the JMP instruction, but jumps only if condition is not false.
CAL (0x38)
- → -
Similar to the JMP instruction, but this also pushes the address of where to return (the next instruction) onto the call stack.
RET (0x39)
- → -
Pops off the top address of the call stack and jumps to it.
EQU (0x32)
a: i64, b: i64 → result: bool
Checks if a is equal to b. If it is, result is true.
NEQ (0x33)
a: i64, b: i64 → result: bool
Similar to the EQU instruction, except this checks if the integers are not equal.
GRT (0x34)
a: i64, b: i64 → result: bool
Similar to the EQU instruction, except this checks if a is greater than b.
GEQ (0x35)
a: i64, b: i64 → result: bool
Similar to the EQU instruction, except this checks if a is greater than or equal to b.
LES (0x36)
a: i64, b: i64 → result: bool
Similar to the EQU instruction, except this checks if a is less than b.
LEQ (0x37)
a: i64, b: i64 → result: bool
Similar to the EQU instruction, except this checks if a is less than or equal to b.
UEQ (0x3a)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: bool
Same as the EQU instruction, except this compares two unsigned integers.
UNE (0x3b)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: bool
Same as the NEQ instruction, except this compares two unsigned integers.
UGR (0x3c)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: bool
Same as the GRT instruction, except this compares two unsigned integers.
UGQ (0x3d)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: bool
Same as the GEQ instruction, except this compares two unsigned integers.
ULE (0x3e)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: bool
Same as the LES instruction, except this compares two unsigned integers.
ULQ (0x3f)
a: u64, b: u64 → result: bool
Same as the LEQ instruction, except this compares two unsigned integers.
FEQ (0x40)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: bool
Same as the EQU instruction, except this compares two floating point numbers.
FNE (0x41)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: bool
Same as the NEQ instruction, except this compares two floating point numbers.
FGR (0x42)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: bool
Same as the GRT instruction, except this compares two floating point numbers.
FGQ (0x43)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: bool
Same as the GEQ instruction, except this compares two floating point numbers.
FLE (0x44)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: bool
Same as the LES instruction, except this compares two floating point numbers.
FLQ (0x45)
a: f64, b: f64 → result: bool
Same as the LEQ instruction, except this compares two floating point numbers.
NOT (0x2e)
data: bool → result: bool
If data is false, result is true, otherwise its false.
AND (0x46)
a: bool, b: bool → result: bool
Performs the boolean and operation on a and b. result is the result.
ORR (0x47)
a: bool, b: bool → result: bool
Performs the boolean or operation on a and b. result is the result.
These instructions are unreliable, because they might not exist for long, since they are just for debugging.
DMP (0xF0)
- → -
Dumps the registers, stack, call stack and the current instruction address
PRT (0xF1)
data: i64 → -
Prints out data into stdout.
FPR (0xF2)
data: f64 → -
Same as the PRT instruction, but for floating point numbers.
Shared libraries
LOL (0x90)
name: u64, name_len: u64 → ld: u64
Loads a shared library. name is the library path, name_len is the library path length, ld is the library ID.
CLL (0x90)
ld: u64 → -
Closes a shared library. ld is the library ID.
LLF (0x90)
name: u64, name_len: u64, ld: u64 → fnd: u64
Loads a shared library function. name is the function name, name_len is the function name length, ld is the library ID and fnd is the function ID.
ULF (0x90)
fnd: u64, ld: u64 → -
Unloads a shared library function. fnd is the function ID, ld is the library ID.
CLF (0x90)
fnd: u64, ld: u64 → -
Calls a shared library function. fnd is the function ID, ld is the library ID.
HLT (0xFF)
ex: u64 → -
Halts the virtual machine and returns with exitcode ex.
NOP (0x00)
- → -
Does nothing.
Runtime errors
Stack overflow (0x01)
This error happens when the stack pointer is greater or equal to the max stack size
Stack underflow (0x02)
This error happens when the stack is empty and an instruction attempts to pop off the top of the stack
Call stack overflow (0x03)
This error happens when the call stack pointer is greater or equal to the max call stack size
Call stack underflow (0x04)
This error happens when the call stack is empty and an instruction attempts to pop off the top of the call stack
Invalid instruction (0x05)
This error happens when an unknown instruction (undefined opcode) is found
Invalid instruction access (0x06)
This error happens when an instruction attempts to jump outside of the program
Invalid memory access (0x07)
This error happens when an instruction attempts to write/read from memory beyond the last byte of the memory
Division by zero (0x08)
This error happens when an integer is divided by zero (floating point number division by zero wont cause this)
Reached max limit of files open (0x09)
This error happens when there are more files open than is allowed
Invalid file mode (0x0a)
This error happens when the file mode is not writing, reading nor appending
Invalid file descriptor (0x0b)
This error happens when there is no file open with such file descriptor